BizBrolly 10 Oct 2016
There are more small business owners now than ever before. You’ll find each of their stories so unique and inspiring—each making you wonder will you, or how will you ever be good enough. Well, we don’t know will, but we sure do have some insights for small business owners …Continue reading
BizBrolly 04 Oct 2016
Gotta catch ‘em all!   All of our childhood dreams came to life when Niantic Labs, brought to life, Pokémon Go, the augmented reality game took over our lives. It’s release in August this year caused ripples in the world of gaming. The gaming sensation surpassed Facebook, Twitter, and …Continue reading
BizBrolly 20 Sep 2016
To check, or uncheck is the question. No, it’s more than that. So, on August 25th 2016, all users of the mobile messaging app, WhatsApp underwent an update they did not sign up for. The company that once gloated on the keeping user information sealed under wrapped covers away …Continue reading
BizBrolly 18 Sep 2016
First days at a new workplace are always nerve-wrecking. I learned a lot about development and design, but more importantly, I learned about how to learn and how to …Continue reading
BizBrolly 29 Aug 2016
Navigate. Mobilise. Connect. Update. Share. From the time you wake up, right up until you fall asleep, you remain deeply wired to the world. Your social media news feed is your window to the world— to the good, bad and the ugly. While you do remain absolutely dedicated to …Continue reading
BizBrolly 28 Jul 2016
It would be futile to say technology simplifies our lives. Because tech does more than just that. It is an extension of ourselves. Cabinets in offices have moved to folders on the cloud, telephone conversations have been replaced through emails. And we can go on. The 21st century workplace is …Continue reading