
Five Point Series: 5 tips for delivering game-changing IT projects

The future of your business depends on IT.

You definitely want to deliver innovative IT projects that put you ahead of game. But bugs, delays and feature shortfalls can leave you playing catch up. Don’t like the game? We at BizBrolly have found you the solution. Here are 5 things you can do!

  1. Be Agile

In modern project management, agile is king. Most companies these days are moving from traditional waterfall projects to user-focused, iterative project management. Agile projects greatly accelerate time in terms of successful delivery by reducing the delay testing and servicing a viable product. Swap lengthy processes for smaller and faster teams to deliver smaller but functional feature improvements on a repeatable basis.

  1. Accept the mistakes

Remember, Rome was not built in a day and more often than not, you will hit roadblocks. In fact, you will likely hit several of them and often all at the same time. No project in history has found success without overcoming some problem along the way. Embrace it. It will lead you a long way.

  1. Pivot when necessary

Sure you might have some game-changing idea for an IT project, however if the market isn’t ready for such a project, you might do more harm than good. Remember, timing sometimes is crucial in IT. The important thing to do in such a situation is to remember to take a step back. Don’t pursue a project, despite how keen you are to do so. You need to accept that what you’ve got now is more interesting than what you might build later. Sometimes pivoting is smarter than persistence.

  1. Avoid adding project requirement

The key to delivering a game-changing and highly successful IT project is keeping within your initial scope. Of course, if you realise that what you’re trying to achieve is impossible then a scope change is necessary.  Don’t add more requirements to a project as it progresses – it can be very damaging to the overall scheme of things. You can use minimum products to test demand and feasibility.

  1. The winner takes it all

The real competitors in business are the ones who look for ways to beat the game they’re playing. It won’t be easy, and it sure won’t happen overnight, but when you win it’s definitely worth the effort.

So don’t just play along; be a game-changer!

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