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BizBrolly 16 Oct 2016
Shopping experiences have now been completely transformed. Convenience. Timely. Accessibility. These are easily among the top three reasons why each one of us— one time or another have chosen to shop online. There is a growing concern over cases of cyber-theft, which can include identity theft and financial fraud. Maintaining our …Continue reading
BizBrolly 10 Apr 2016
With Netflix launching in India earlier last week, the entire country went into a frenzy. But how many really do understand it? BizBrolly simplifies the Netflix story for you. So, what is Netflix? Netflix is an Internet-based video streaming service that is available across your personal devices. You can …Continue reading
BizBrolly 04 Dec 2015
With the much hoopla around the brand new debate topic rustling through every company, it certainly is impending for us to address the argument for you—Mobile ads versus Mobile apps—what matter more for businesses? This argument leads one to ponder on another important point—what is the type of mobile …Continue reading
BizBrolly 10 Jul 2015
As India’s e-commerce draws the attention, analysts point to a pertinent question - future? Is it a viable shift from mainstream …Continue reading

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