BizBrolly 13 Aug 2015
Imagine a day where the time you turn your alarm off prompts your coffee maker to start brewing your coffee. Now wouldn’t that be absolutely convenient. IoT & Smartphone can help you be better at …Continue reading
BizBrolly 31 Jul 2015
What Indian Startup Industry can learn from Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam? The booming start-ups of India may benefit the most from the lessons shared by APJ Abdul Kalam. A roundup of what it takes Indian start-ups to follow these lessons. There are tremendous leanings you can gain …Continue reading
BizBrolly 21 Jul 2015
Medium-to-large sized businesses have been outsourcing for years, even decades now. Over the years, they have been able to draw profits form the successes of outsourced IT support, customer relation support, web development and the likes of this. The upsurge of technology has led to many businesses facing technical …Continue reading
BizBrolly 10 Jul 2015
As India’s e-commerce draws the attention, analysts point to a pertinent question - future? Is it a viable shift from mainstream …Continue reading