
Are Azure and AWS similar?  

Software Development Company

A platform for cloud services provided by Microsoft is called Azure. It is a well-known platform with a variety of cloud services, including computing, analytics, networking, and storage. It was formerly known as Windows Azure. Amazon Web Services (AWS) actually predated Azure, despite the widespread belief that Microsoft predates Amazon. AWS is the market leader in cloud services as well, posting an operating profit of $3.1 billion in 2016 on sales of $12.22 billion and an operating profit margin of over 25%. Both Azure and AWS are the backbones of any Software Development Company

The good news is that cloud solutions from two market leaders, Microsoft and Amazon, can bring your team into the twenty-first century. But which option is best for you is the real question.

What is Azure?

Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) are both terms used to describe Azure.

Because of its parent company, Azure is a particularly potent offering. Microsoft offers an infrastructure support level that is comparable to few other businesses.

What is AWS?

Like Amazon, AWS has a sizable toolkit that is constantly expanding.

AWS has more than 10 years of experience in the cloud computing market, making it the market leader and has been for some time.

Platform as a Service (PaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), and Software as a Service are the three categories under which AWS services fall (Saas).

Amazon AWS vs. Microsoft Azure

Azure and AWS appear to be quite similar platforms. They are made to address many of the same topics and provide similar functionality to address the same set of issues.

Four types of IaaS services are offered by AWS:

  • Compute
  • delivery and storage of content
  • Database
  • Networking

Azure offers the following four classes:

  • Compute
  • Performance
  • databases and data management
  • Networking

When it comes down to it, which choice is better for the financial health of your company? That depends on the features you want in a system.


AWS and Azure are fairly comparable in terms of their fundamental capabilities. Self-service, security, instant provisioning, auto-scaling, compliance, and identity management are all shared by all public cloud services.

With 140 services spanning computing, databases, analytics, storage, mobile, and developer tools, AWS provides the most depth of the two. However, keep in mind that because they have been around the longest, they have an advantage over everyone else.

Having said that, Azure is also strong in terms of features and services, and it has a parent company with the financial strength to compete with Amazon.


Storage in AWS vs Azuure

For a cloud deployment to be successful, there needs to be enough storage. Fortunately, this is a field in which both Azure and AWS excel.

Machine instances, which are virtual machines hosted on AWS infrastructure, are the foundation of AWS storage. Storage is associated with specific instances; temporary storage is allotted once per instance and removed upon termination of an instance. Like a hard drive, block storage can also be attached to an instance.

S3 offers object storage, and Glacier offers data archiving. Both of these services are available if you need them.

On the other hand, Azure provides VMs with block storage through Page Blobs and block storage for temporary data through D drive, with Block Blobs and Files also serving as object storage. Through Azure Table and HDInsight, it supports relational databases, Big Data, and NoSQL, similar to AWS.

Azure provides two storage types: hot and cool. Although cool storage is less expensive, you will pay more for read and write operations. S3 Standard and S3 Standard-Infrequent Access are two options for AWS.

Both have an unlimited number of permitted objects, but AWS has a 5 TB limit on object size and Azure has a 4.75 TB limit.


Both AWS and Azure have strong database offerings, regardless of whether you require a relational database or a NoSQL solution.

Six well-liked database engines are supported by Amazon’s Relational Database Service (RDS):

Aurora on Amazon


Windows SQL




In contrast, Azure’s SQL database is entirely built on Microsoft SQL.

Both systems seamlessly integrate with relational and NoSQL databases. They offer simple, automatic replication and are both highly available and robust.

Although there are more instance types available on AWS, Azure’s interface and tooling are incredibly user-friendly, making a variety of database operations simple.

Network and Content Delivery

Finding a secure, isolated network is one of the top worries for many cloud users. It’s a security issue, not just a privacy one. After all, your business has a number of valuable secrets that hackers and your rivals would kill to get their hands on.

Thus, a cloud solution’s network performance is essential. Both AWS and Azure offer unique approaches to building secluded networks.

Users of AWS can build secluded private networks inside the cloud by using a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). From there, it connects between premises using API gateways. It employs elastic load balancing during networking to guarantee smooth operation.

Users have a wide range of options in a VPC. Create private IP ranges, route tables, subnets, network gateways.

Azure takes a marginally different tack.

Azure uses a virtual network in place of a VPC, allowing users to build isolated networks, subnets, private IP ranges, route tables, and network gateways.

A VPN gateway will be used if cross-network connectivity is what you want. A load balancer and application gateway are used to manage load balancing.

To extend your on-premises data center into the cloud without jeopardizing your data, AWS and Azure both offer firewall options and solutions.

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Unfortunately, sometimes selecting software solutions doesn’t involve selecting the best option, but rather selecting the option with the best price. The good news is that both AWS and Azure offer pricing that you can easily present to upper management.

The additional good news? To give you a taste of how their systems can integrate with your on-premise software, AWS and Azure both provide free introductory tiers.

However, there is a sizable difference in the billing structure once you sign up.

Both have a pay-as-you-go structure, so if your contract isn’t working out, you can change it or end it at any time. AWS charges by the hour and offers buyable instances:

On-demand (pay for what you use)

Spot (bid for extra available capacity)

Reserved (reserve an instance for 1-3 years with upfront costs based on use)

Azure has a more precise pricing structure than AWS and charges by the minute. Additionally, it offers short-term agreements that let you select between monthly or pre-paid fees.

Moreover, you can extend your private business network into the cloud with the functionality you require thanks to BT MPLS ExpressRoute pricing for Microsoft Azure (at a price you can afford).

Which option is best for you?

Returning to the original query, which is the better option for you and your team when comparing Microsoft Azure and Amazon AWS?

That depends on your team and your top priorities, obviously.

Fortunately, we’re here to simplify the entire process from beginning to end. To help you choose the best vendor for your company, we make it simple to compare a carefully curated list of options. Additionally, we offer prices that you can work with, from free to customized consulting.

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